Below are the resources you need to do all sorts of things to a PDF: read it, make your own, edit the text or images, sign the PDF, convert it, add a password, and more. You might want to open a PDF file online if you’re looking through several PDFs and you don’t want to download each of them. A really quick way to open a PDF file online is with the free PDF viewer from or DocFly. The other option is to download a PDF reader that lets you open PDFs on your Windows or Mac computer. There are several free PDF readers you can choose from, such as SumatraPDF. If you already have Microsoft Word on your computer, you can even use that as a PDF editor. Some similar software that work like Word to edit PDFs include WPS Office and Google Docs. All PDF editors are different, but most of them let you do all sorts of things, like create fillable forms, make a line where someone should sign the PDF, highlight text, block out items, change the PDF text, add images, make a new PDF from scratch, and more. For example, if you want to make a PDF from a web page or save an image to the PDF format, you can print it to PDF (“print” here just means to save). TinyWow’s PDF creator is one example of a free web service that lets you build a new PDF from a blank document. Document file converters like Zamzar and TinyWow are options for converting a PDF to a different format. Those are ideal because they run entirely online, so you don’t need to download any conversion software to use it. Some PDF security software programs let you make a PDF owner password, too, which lets you define restrictions such as to prevent the PDF from being printed, stop the content from being copied, disable editing, stop the user from filling out forms, and more. One of the best ways to find PDF files online is with a web search engine. For example, you can find files online with Google Search by using the filetype option, like this: