If you’ve connected your laptop to your corporate network, the IT department might have modified your LAN settings to use the company’s proxy server to access the internet. If this setting remains when you try to connect from home, you could see this error. The solution for this problem depends on what caused the error.

Causes of Remote Devices Not Accepting Connections

The meaning behind this error message is related to how your internet traffic is routed whenever you use a browser. When your computer is configured to use a proxy server, all of your internet requests are routed to that proxy server. The proxy server then handles all traffic between the internet and your computer. On a corporate network, this is normal. IT administrators use proxy servers to protect corporate networks from malicious websites and protect corporate information. However, in some cases home users get infected by software that modifies the LAN settings in an attempt to route internet traffic through unwanted proxy servers.

How to Fix Remote Devices Not Accepting Connections

From a Command Prompt window, execute gpupdate /force. If Windows presents an error, someone with administrative access must execute the command, instead.